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Comprehensive Supplement for the Health and Development of Growing and Breeding Horses

Cell-Grow has been scientifically formulated by Kohnke’s Own to support the very specific nutritional needs of both young horses as well as broodmares.

The specially balanced supplement contains the bone minerals, trace-minerals and vitamins fundamental to the growth of strong bones, joints and tendons in weanlings and yearlings while helping avoid developmental problems.

Cell-Grow is also designed to support the mare, especially during late pregnancy when the unborn foal requires more nutrients for foetal development and during lactation when the mare’s nutritional needs are greatly increased due to milk production.

Features and Benefits:

  • Pelleted nutritional supplement for growing and breeding horses
  • Premium blend of vitamins and trace-minerals to support mares during pregnancy and during lactation
  • Also beneficial for health and development of young growing horses up to 2 years of age, including foals, weanlings and yearlings

Unique Design:

  • Scientifically formulated to meet nutritional needs of broodmares and young horses
  • Ideal balance of bone-minerals, trace minerals and vitamins
  • Reduces risk of osteochondrosis and other limb defects
  • Can be added to group feeders and large feed mixes for broodmare herds

38 Day Supply

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Please Note: *CUSTOMER SELF DECLARATION* By purchasing any prescription product from the SEG Online store, you acknowledge and agree the following is true and accurate.

  1. I confirm that my horse was examined by a Scone Equine Group veterinarian who prescribed this medication for use in the horse’s treatment on the basis of their diagnosis of the horse’s condition.
  2. By confirming this order, I agree to use this prescription medication in the manner prescribed, on horses under my care and for which I have the authority to act under veterinary direction.
  3. I have read and understood that I need to seek immediate veterinary advice if my horse’s condition changes or deteriorates in any way whilst being treated with this prescription medication.

NB: If there is a particular prescription product you need which is not on this list, please contact your SEH veterinarian directly.