QuikHEAL is a broad-spectrum antibacterial and antifungal ointment, containing sulphur and copper sulphate to assist rapid healing from greasy heel and other skin conditions.
QuikHEAL treats a broad range of conditions:
Greasy heel
Rain Scald
Girth gall
Saddle sores
Nicks and cuts
How does it work?
As soon as bacteria or fungi enter broken skin they inflame the skin, causing mild to severe irritation.
The active ingredients in QuikHEAL effectively kill the bacteria and fungi.
QuikHEAL is water resistant, which aids in its longevity on the wound once applied.
The combination of sulphur and copper sulphate in QuikHEAL also provides an unfavourable environment for bacteria and helps to prevent re-infection.
QuikHEAL also acts as a barrier to allow the antibacterial and antifungal ingredients to do their job.
Features & Benefits
QuikHEAL does NOT contain lead.
Fast acting.
Antibacterial and antifungal.
Easy to use.
Highly effective against infection.
Thick ointment that doesn’t run off easily.
Water resistant – acts as a barrier.
Copper sulphate
Tar acids
Directions for use
When treating greasy heel soak and wash the scabs to soften and attempt to remove
Dry the area thoroughly and apply QuikHEAL
If weather conditions are fine and sunny leave the area open to direct sunlight
If wet conditions persist bandage the affected area with Kelato’s Cotton Wool and Gauzeand EnduroWRAP
Re-apply QuikHEAL
Seek professional advice before using in conjunction with other topical treatments